Fedezze fel tanfolyamainkat
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
21 ÓrákSix Sigma LEAN Yellow Belt
14 ÓrákSix Sigma DMAIC Black Belt
21 ÓrákSix Sigma LEAN Black Belt
21 ÓrákSix Sigma DMAIC Green Belt
21 ÓrákSix Sigma LEAN Green Belt
21 ÓrákSix Sigma Yellow Belt
14 ÓrákSix Sigma White Belt
14 ÓrákDesign of Experiments (DoE)
7 ÓrákData Analytics With R
21 ÓrákTalent Acquisition Analytics
14 ÓrákApplied Machine Learning
14 ÓrákData Mining and Analysis
28 ÓrákMinitab for Beginners
21 ÓrákR
21 ÓrákR for Statistical Analysis
14 ÓrákScilab
14 ÓrákSix Sigma with Minitab
14 ÓrákStatistical Analysis using SPSS
21 ÓrákStatistics Level 1
14 ÓrákStatistics Level 2
28 ÓrákStatistics for Researchers
35 ÓrákTableau Advanced
14 ÓrákAdvanced R
14 ÓrákProgramming with Big Data in R
21 ÓrákR Fundamentals
21 ÓrákCluster Analysis with R and SAS
14 ÓrákData Mining with R
14 ÓrákForecasting with R
14 ÓrákLast Updated:
informatív és hasznos volt
Brenton - Lotterywest
Kurzus - Building Web Applications in R with Shiny
Gépi fordítás
Sok példa és gyakorlat a képzés témájához kapcsolódóan.
Tomasz - Ministerstwo Zdrowia
Kurzus - Advanced R Programming
Gépi fordítás
the trainer had patience, and was eager to make sure we all understood the topics, the classes were fun to attend
Mamonyane Taoana - Road Safety Department
Kurzus - Statistical Analysis using SPSS
Weronika created a really friendly, informal atmosphere. The training involved a lot of useful knowledge transfer, technical skills exercises and theory, as well as best practices and guidance on how to handle our own data.
Julia Kuczma - DLA Piper GSC Poland Sp. z o.o.
Kurzus - Tableau Intermediate Training Course
Day 1 and Day 2 were really straight forward for me and really enjoyed that experience.
Mareca Sithole - Africa Health Research Institute
Kurzus - R Fundamentals
The tips for many of the functions that the trainer presented, which we can easily remember and implement in our future work
Emilija Stoilova - EPFL HBP PCO
Kurzus - Analysing Financial Data in Excel
1.The presentation style of Mr. Andrew, engaging with the style of audience.
Kurzus - Market Forecasting
The fact he had dif excel and data sheets with exercises for us to do.
Deepakie Singh Sodhi - Queens College, CUNY
Kurzus - Excel For Statistical Data Analysis
that i was getting my all answers and knowledge i want.
Ismail Ahli - Dubai Civil Aviation Authority
Kurzus - R for Statistical Analysis
I genuinely enjoyed the hands passed exercises.
Yunfa Zhu - Environmental and Climate Change Canada
Kurzus - Foundation R
The pace was just right and the relaxed atmosphere made candidates feel at ease to ask questions.
Rhian Hughes - Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Kurzus - Introduction to Data Visualization with Tidyverse and R
The fact that we had the time to cover some useful extras.
Alina Vishniakova - TUI Business Services GmbH
Kurzus - Statistics Level 1
the matter was well presented and in an orderly manner.
Marylin Houle - Ivanhoe Cambridge
Kurzus - Introduction to R with Time Series Analysis
It was very informative and professionally held. Wojteks knowledge level was so advanced that he could basically answer any question and he was willing to put effort into fitting the training to my personal needs.
Sonja Steiner - BearingPoint GmbH
Kurzus - R Programming for Data Analysis
I really enjoyed the knowledge of the trainer.
Stephanie Seiermann
Kurzus - R
Michael the trainer is very knowledgeable and skillful about the subject of Big Data and R. He is very flexible and quickly customize the training meeting clients' need. He is also very capable to solve technical and subject matter problems on the go. Fantastic and professional training!.
Xiaoyuan Geng - Ottawa Research and Development Center, Science Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Kurzus - Programming with Big Data in R
A lot of knowledge - theoretical and practical.
Anna Alechno
Kurzus - Forecasting with R
I enjoyed the Excel sheets provided having the exercises with examples. This meant that if Tamil was held up helping other people, I could crack on with the next parts.
Luke Pontin
Kurzus - Data and Analytics - from the ground up
A rugalmas és barátságos stílus. Pontosan azt tanultam meg, ami számomra hasznos és releváns.
Kurzus - Advanced R
Gépi fordítás
I genuinely was benefit from the flexibility of the trainer.
Irina Ostapenko
Kurzus - Statistics Level 2
I liked the new insights in deep machine learning.
Josip Arneric
Kurzus - Neural Network in R
I mostly liked the trainer giving real live Examples.
Simon Hahn
Kurzus - Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop
I like the exercises done.
Nour Assaf
Kurzus - Data Mining and Analysis
I genuinely enjoyed working 1:1 with Gunner.
Bryant Ives
Kurzus - Introduction to R
Very tailored to needs.