Fedezze fel tanfolyamainkat

Deep Learning with TensorFlow in Google Colab

14 Órák

Embedding Projector: Visualizing Your Training Data

14 Órák

Deep Learning with TensorFlow

21 Órák

TensorFlow for Image Recognition

28 Órák

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with TensorFlow

35 Órák

Deep Learning for Vision

21 Órák

Neural Networks Fundamentals using TensorFlow as Example

28 Órák

TPU Programming: Building Neural Network Applications on Tensor Processing Units

7 Órák

TensorFlow Serving

7 Órák

Understanding Deep Neural Networks

35 Órák

Deep Learning for NLP (Natural Language Processing)

28 Órák

Applied AI from Scratch

28 Órák

Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2

21 Órák

Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js

14 Órák

Fraud Detection with Python and TensorFlow

14 Órák

TensorFlow Extended (TFX)

21 Órák

Kubeflow on OpenShift

28 Órák

Last Updated:


Közelgő kurzusok

Online TensorFlow courses, Weekend TensorFlow courses, Evening TensorFlow training, TensorFlow boot camp, TensorFlow instructor-led, Weekend TensorFlow training, Evening TensorFlow courses, TensorFlow coaching, TensorFlow instructor, TensorFlow trainer, TensorFlow training courses, TensorFlow classes, TensorFlow on-site, TensorFlow private courses, TensorFlow one on one training