Fedezze fel tanfolyamainkat

IDz and z/OS Connect: Integration for Mainframe Modernization

21 Órák

AI-Augmented Software Engineering (AIASE)

14 Órák

FlexNet Publisher Fundamentals

14 Órák

Unit of Software Measurement Parameterization (UMSP)

7 Órák

Impacted Function Point (IFP)

7 Órák

Selenium C# Test Automation

14 Órák

SNAP IFPUG Software Size Estimation and Measurement

14 Órák

Test Automation with Selenium

21 Órák

SoapUI for API Testing

14 Órák

Introduction to Selenium

7 Órák

Test Automation with Selenium and Jenkins

21 Órák

Selenium for Victims of Manual Testing

14 Órák

Advanced Selenium

14 Órák

Selenium WebDriver in C#

14 Órák

Automation Testing with Cypress

14 Órák

Protractor: End-to-End Testing for Angular Web Applications

14 Órák

Test Automation with Selenium and Python

14 Órák

BDD with Python and Behave

7 Órák

Advanced Selenium with C#

14 Órák

Test Automation with Selenium and Katalon Studio

14 Órák

Serenity BDD for Automated Acceptance Tests

7 Órák

Complete Web Testing Environment with Selenium WebDriver and JMeter

35 Órák

Selendroid: Automated Testing for Android

7 Órák

Selenium with Ruby for Test Automation

14 Órák

Testing Angular Applications

14 Órák

IREB CPRE Foundation - exam preparation

21 Órák

Software Engineering

35 Órák

The Principal Engineer - Masterclass

14 Órák

API Testing with Postman

21 Órák

Rest Assured APIs with Postman and Java

21 Órák

Rest Assured: API Testing for REST Services

7 Órák

Tosca: Model-Based Testing for Complex Systems

35 Órák

Test Automation with Galen Framework

14 Órák


21 Órák

Automate Windows Desktop Applications with AutoIt

14 Órák

Robot Framework: Keyword Driven Acceptance Testing

14 Órák

SpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET

21 Órák

Behat: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with PHP

14 Órák

JBehave: BDD with Java

7 Órák

Cucumber.js: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Javascript

14 Órák

Cucumber for Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

14 Órák

Cucumber Electron: Implementing BDD without Selenium

7 Órák

Cucumber: Implementing BDD with Java

7 Órák

Iridium: Cucumber and Selenium Based Testing

7 Órák

Testing Ruby applications with RSpec

7 Órák

AI-powered Test Automation with Cypress

14 Órák

Watir: Web Test Automation with Ruby

21 Órák

Testing React Apps with Jest

14 Órák

Selenium with Jenkins and Docker

14 Órák

Selenium WebDriver Overview

7 Órák

Advance Test Automation in Java using Selenium with continuous integration and version control

35 Órák

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