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Drools Rules Administration
21 ÓrákInfinispan
28 ÓrákJBoss
14 ÓrákWildFly Server Administration
14 ÓrákLast Updated:
the trainers skills about the topics and hes way to approach it after viewing our environment in screen share session.
Stig-Ole Amundsen - Helse Nord IKT
Kurzus - WildFly Server Administration
Shared examples of every function and/or operators are all well explained.
Brian Amlon - Thakral One, Inc.
Kurzus - Introduction to Drools 7 for Developers
Exercises and solving problems in groups when the problems were more difficult.
Randy Comer Comer - Sandia National Labs
Kurzus - Drools 7 and DSL for Business Analysts
I really enjoyed the good atmosphere.
Martin Jesterschawek
Kurzus - Business Rule Management (BRMS) with Drools
Lots of exercises, which were good and which were well-administered.
Joseph Richardson
Kurzus - Introduction to Drools 6 for Developers
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