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Introduction to Gimp
14 ÓrákScribus
14 ÓrákAdobe InDesign
14 ÓrákAdobe InDesign CS6
21 ÓrákUtoljára frissítve:
The trainer listened to my wishes and adjusted the training meeting my specific needs.
Annemiek Dortmans
Kurzus - DTP (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat)
I liked the part the most where we learn how to create objects.
Eva Delafontaine
Kurzus - Adobe InDesign
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Online DTP (Desktop Publishing) courses, Weekend Desktop Publishing (DTP) courses, Evening Desktop Publishing (DTP) training, DTP boot camp, DTP (Desktop Publishing) instructor-led, Weekend DTP training, Evening DTP courses, Desktop Publishing coaching, DTP (Desktop Publishing) instructor, Desktop Publishing (DTP) trainer, DTP (Desktop Publishing) training courses, Desktop Publishing (DTP) classes, Desktop Publishing (DTP) on-site, Desktop Publishing private courses, Desktop Publishing (DTP) one on one training