Course Outline


Overview of the Groovy Programming Language

Understanding the Differences Between Groovy and Java

Getting Started with Groovy

  • Installing and Setting Up Groovy
  • Creating a Groovy Project
  • Adding Frameworks to an Existing Groovy Project
  • Creating Groovy Classes
  • Writing Groovy Scripts
  • Running a Groovy Application

Exploring the Use Cases for Scripting in Java Applications

Benefits of Using Groovy for Scripting and Testing Java Applications

Using the Groovy API and Embedding Groovy into Java for Scripting

Implementing Script Re-Evaluation with Groovy

Adding Groovy Tests to an Existing Java Application Using the Spock Framework


Summary and Conclusion


  • Programming experience with Java
  • General familiarity with Groovy
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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