Course Outline


  • What's new in C++?
  • Overview of C++ features and elements
  • Understanding object-oriented programming
  • The basics of C++ programming

Getting Started

  • Setting up the development environment
  • Installing C++ IDE
  • Standard libraries and components

Advanced Programming in C++

  • Lambda expressions in C++
  • Standard containers and algorithms
  • Move semantics
  • C++ coding style rules
  • Pointer to implementation (Plmpl)
  • Operator overloading
  • Polymorphism in C++
  • Variables, arrays, and conditionals
  • References and pointers
  • Exception handling
  • Other modern functions and implementation

Security Programming

  • C++ security features and best practices
  • Modern memory management
  • String handling techniques
  • Working with User Account Control (UAC)
  • Security vulnerabilities and mitigation options

Testing Strategies for C++

  • Choosing a test framework
  • Analysis and metrics
  • Writing unit tests
  • Integration and system level tests
  • Testing legacy code
  • Black-box testing

Debugging the Code

  • Conditional and function breakpoints
  • Multi-threaded debugging
  • Performance and diagnostics tools

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic C++ programming experience


  • Developers
 35 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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